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斗球体育: 副教授、副研究员

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发布日期:2011-05-10 点击数:













2)、多孔碳材料调控及 HI 分解制氢机制研究,斗球体育-2025年,山东省自然科学基金,10万元,主持









5 论文及专利(近3年):

  1. Xiaohan Zhou,Liqiang Zhang(通讯) ,Study on the mechanism and reaction characteristics of red-mud-catalyzed pyrolysis of corn stover,Fuel 338 (斗球体育) 127290(8.035)

  2. Sida Rong,Liqiang Zhang(通讯), Directional introduction of pyridine nitrogen functional groups in activated carbon catalysts for the catalytic production of hydrogen: An experimental and DFT calculation,Chemical Engineering Journal,453 (斗球体育) 13974416.744

  3. Xiaohan Zhou, Wenjing Tang, Minqiang He,Xia Xiao, TaoWang, Shanjie Cheng, Liqiang Zhang(通讯), Science of total environment-Combined removal of SO3 and HCl by modified Ca(OH)2 from coal-fired flue gas, Science of the total environment 857(斗球体育)15946610.754

  4. Xuhan Li,Fei Sun,Liqiang Zhang(共同通讯), Insight into synergistic effects of oxygen and nitrogen dual-dopants in carbon catalysts on selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3: A combined computational and experimental verification,Chemical Engineering Journal,454 斗球体育14009816.744

  5. Xiao Zhu, Liqiang Zhang(通讯), Tao Wang, Jun Li, Xiaohan Zhou, Chunyuan Ma, Yong Dong*,An updated study on NO catalytic oxidation over activated carbon: The effect of pore structure and a dual-site mechanism,Fuel,3112022122627(8.035)

  6. Wenjing Tang , Sida Rong , Zhanyao Li , Xueqian Zhang , Liqiang Zhang(通讯), Removal of sulfur trioxide by wet injection with alkaline absorbent Model and experimental studies, Fuel, 310(2022)122282 (8.035)

  7. Xia xiao,Liqiang Zhang(通讯),Recovery of CaO from CaSO4 via CO reduction decomposition under different atmospheres,Journal of Environmental Management,301(2022)113855JAN 1 2022(8.910)

  8. Xia Xiao,Zhang Liqiang(通讯),Yuan Xueliang,etal. Integrated Assessment of the Environmental and Economic Effects of Resource Utilization Process for Lime/Gypsum Flue Gas Desulfurization Collaborative Desulfurized Gypsum, Environmental Engineering Science, 2021,38:886-898SEP 1 2021https://doi.org/10.1089/ees.2020.0424(2.172)

  9. Zhang Mengze,Zhu Xiao,Zhang Liqiang(通讯),etal. Intensification of NOx Conversion over Activated Coke by Ozone Oxidation for Sintering Flue Gas at Low Temperatures,ACS Omega, 2021,620: 13484-13495MAY 25 2021DOI:10.1021/acsomega.1c01722(4.132)

  10. Wenjing Tang, Liqiang Zhang(通讯), and Haodong Luo. Experimental Study on the Removal of Low-Concentration SO3 by Trona at Medium Temperatures; Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2021, 60, 8947?8956 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.1c01033(4.326)

  11. Sida Rong, Ran Zhang, Xiao Zhu, Mengze Zhang, Jun Li, Liqiang Zhang(通讯). Exploring the relationship between the physical properties of activated carbon catalysts and their efficiency in catalyzing hydrogen iodide decomposition to produce hydrogen,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2021,4618207-18223(7.139)

  12. Xiao Zhu, Liqiang Zhang(通讯), Yong Dong, Chunyuan Ma, NO2–NH3 selective catalytic reduction over activated carbon: A combination of NH4NO3 formation and consumption, Energy &Fuel, 2021,35,6167-6178 (4.654)

  13. Xiao Zhu, Ran Zhang, Sida Rong, Liqiang Zhang(通讯), Chunyuan Ma. A systematic preparation mechanism for directional regulation of pore structure in activated carbon including specific surface area and pore hierarchy, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,158(2021)105266(6.437)

  14. Jun Li,Liqiang Zhang(通讯), Xiqiang Zhao,Mengze Zhang,Tai Feng,Binxuan Zhou,Tao Wang,Zhanlong Song,Chunyuan Ma. Insights into the effect of regeneration temperature on physicochemical properties and SO2 removal over powdered activated coke,Fuel,2882021119715:1-9(SCI)(8.035)

  15. Jun Li, Liqiang Zhang(通讯), Tao Wang,et al. Study on sulfur migration in activated carbon adsorption-desorption cycle: Effect of alkali/alkaline earth metals Journal of Environmental Sciences, 99 (2021) 119–129(6.796)

  16. Tian hao Fei,Liqiang Zhang(通讯). SO2 absoption by multiple biomass ash types, ACS Omega, 2021,6:1872-2882.4.132

  17. 张立强,等.一种分级孔生石灰颗粒的制备方法及其系统,发明专利;

  18. 张立强,等.一种高吡啶氮掺杂活性炭的制备工艺及系统,发明专利

  19. 张立强,等.一种活性焦再生协同还原制备硫磺的一体化装置及方法,发明专利

  20. 马春元,张立强,等,一种流态化活性炭联合脱硫脱硝工艺. 发明专利

  21. 张立强,马春元,等,一种基于生物质灰的半干法脱硫脱硝系统,实用新型

  22. 张立强,马春元,等,一种湿法脱硫产物干态处理及废水零排放系统,实用新型


6 联系方式:邮箱:zhlq@sdu.edu.cn,手机(微信同号):15905312559。




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