Weijia Cui1, Pei Zhao1, Jin Wang, Ning Qin, Emmanuel Ho, Carolyn L Ren, Reagent free detection of SARS-CoV-2 using an antibody-based microwave sensor in a microfluidic platform, Lab on a Chip, accepted, 2022
Ning Qin1, Pei Zhao1, Emmanuel A. Ho, Gongming Xin and Carolyn L. Ren, Microfluidic technology for antibacterial resistance study and antibiotic susceptibility tests: review and perspective, ACS Sensors 6, 3-21, 2021.
Jeffrey Farnese, Pei Zhao, Carolyn L Ren, Effect of surface roughness on bond strength between PCTE membranes and PDMS towards microfluidic applications, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 106, 102800, 2021.
Pei Zhao, Lauren J LeSergent, Jeffrey Farnese, John Z Wen, Carolyn L Ren, Electrophoretic deposition of carbon nanotubes on semi-conducting and non-conducting substrates,Electrochemistry Communications, 108, 106558, 2019.
Pei Zhao, Ning Qin, Carolyn Ren, John Wen,Surface modification of polyamide meshes and nonwoven fabrics by plasma etching and a PDA/cellulose coating for oil/water separation, Applied Surface Science, 481, 883-891,2019.
Pei Zhao, Ning Qin, Carolyn L. Ren, and John Z. Wen, Polyamide 6.6 separates oil/water due to its dual underwater oleophobicity/underoil hydrophobicity: Role of 2D and 3D porous structures, Applied Surface Science,466, 282-288, 2019.
Boyu Li, Anton D Sediako, Pei Zhao, Jingde Li, Eric Croiset, Murray J Thomson, John Z Wen, Real-time observation of carbon oxidation by driven motion of catalytic ceria nanoparticles within low pressure oxygen
Scientific Reports, 9 (1), 1-12, 2019.
Pei Zhao, Ning Qin, John Z. Wen, and Carolyn L. Ren, Photocatalytic performances of ZnO nanoparticle film and vertically aligned nanorods in chamber-based microfluidic reactors: reaction kinetics and flow effects
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 209, 468-475, 2017.
P Zhao, J Riesch, T H?schen, J Almanst?tter, M Balden, JW Coenen, R Himml, R Neu, Microstructure, mechanical behaviour and fracture of pure tungsten wire after different heat treatments, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 68, 29-40, 2017.
Qiong Zhou, John Z Wen, Pei Zhao, William A Anderson, Synthesis of vertically aligned zinc oxide nanowires and their application as a photocatalyst, Nanomaterials, 7(1), 9, 2017.
Pei Zhao, Shibin Guo, Guanghua Liu, Yixiang Chen, Jiangtao Li, Fabrication of W–Cu functionally graded material with improved mechanical strength, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 601, 289-292, 2014.
Pei Zhao, Shibin Guo, Guanghua Liu, Yixiang Chen, Jiangtao Li, Study of a new method to fabricate W–Cu composites, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 29, 408-411, 2014.
Pei Zhao, Shibin Guo, Guanghua Liu, Yixiang Chen, Jiangtao Li, Fast fabrication of W–Cu functionally graded material by high-gravity combustion synthesis and melt-infiltration, Journal of Nuclear Materials,445 (1-3), 26-29, 2014.
Gang He, Pei Zhao, Shibin Guo, Yixiang Chen, Guanghua Liu, Jiangtao Li, In suit synthesis and bonding of Cu to W–Cu composite by combustion synthesis and centrifugal infiltration, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 579, 71-74, 2013.
Pei Zhao, Shibin Guo, Guanghua Liu, Yixiang Chen, Jiangtao Li, Fabrication of 60 wt% W–40 wt% Cu composite with crystal orientation by combustion synthesis and melt-infiltration in ultrahigh-gravity field
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 577, 336-339,2013.
Pei Zhao, Shibin Guo, Guanghua Liu, Yixiang Chen, Jiangtao Li, Fabrication of Cu-riched W–Cu composites by combustion synthesis and melt-infiltration in ultrahigh-gravity field, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 441 (1-3), 343-347, 2013.
Pei Zhao, Song Wang, Shibin Guo, Yixiang Chen, Yunhan Ling, Jiangtao Li, Effects of temperature and holding time on bonding W and W–Cu composites with an amorphous W–Fe coated copper foil as the interlayer by hot-pressing, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 438 (1-3), 72-76,2013.
Song Wang, Yunhan Ling, Pei Zhao, Nanzhi Zang, Jianjun Wang, Shibin Guo, Jun Zhang, Guiying Xu, Bonding tungsten, W–Cu-alloy and copper with amorphous Fe–W alloy transition, Fusion Engineering and Design, 88, 248-252, 2013.
Pei Zhao, Song Wang, Shibin Guo, Yixiang Chen, Yunhan Ling, Jiangtao Li, Bonding W and W–Cu composite with an amorphous W–Fe coated copper foil through hot pressing method, Materials & Design, 42, 21-24,2012.
A portable device integrated with a microfluidic platform, a microwave sensor, and a palm-sized VNA for detection of virus, antigen, and other pathogens
Pei Zhao, Weijia Cui, Jin Wang, Ning Qin, Emmanuel Ho, Carolyn Ren
US provisionalpatent, filed on April 26, 2021, application number: 63180045.
A three-electrode EPD system for the deposition of carbon nanotubes onto semiconducting Substrates
Lauren J. LeSergent, Yiqi Zhang, Pei Zhao, John Z. Wen
Canada provisional patent, filed on July 24, 2018, application number: 3012244.
郭世斌,李江涛,陈义祥,麦培林,赵培,刘光华,林志明,杨筠. 专利号: 201110190106.9