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发布日期:2018-08-27 点击数:













山东省教学成果二等奖2项,2018, 2022


中国机械工业科技进步二等奖3项,2019, 2022, 斗球体育














[1] Study on urea deposits risk of after-treatment system based on deposits boundary method,Energy, 斗球体育,SCI

[2] Influence of ambient conditions on the marine two-stroke engine integrated with a bottoming Rankine cycle system: Energy and exergy analyses,Applied Thermal Engineering,斗球体育,SCI/EI

[3] Influence of Off Gas Recirculation on the Intermediate Temperature SOFC With Partial Oxidation Reformer, Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage,斗球体育 SCI

[4] Thermodynamic and techno-economic comparisons of the steam injected turbo-compounding system with conventional steam Rankine cycle systems in recovering waste heat from the marine two-stroke engine, Energy, 2022,SCI

[5 ]Experimental study on the performance and diagnosis of hydrothermally aged selective catalytic reduction over a copper-based catalyst, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2022,SCI

[6] Performance analysis of a natural gas-fueled 1 kW solid oxide fuel cell-combined heat and power system with off-gas recirculation of anode and cathode, Fuel Cells, 2022

[7] 非道路柴油机后处理系统 SCR 喷嘴座结构优化,内燃机学部,2022,EI

[8] Investigation on subcooled flow boiling heat transfer characteristics in ICE-like conditions, OPEN PHYSICS, 2021, SCI

[9] Research on Liquid Water Distribution in PEMFC Cathode Porous Media, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2020, SCI

[10] Optimization of SCR inflow uniformity based on CFD simulation, OPEN PHYSICS, 2020, SCI

[11] Numerical investigation of thermo-hydraulic performance of an opposed piston opposed cylinder engine water jacket with helical fins, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019. SCI/EI.

[12] Experimental study on the emission characteristics of heavy-duty diesel engine with combination system of DOC/DPF/SCR, FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN, 2019,SCI

[13] Experimental investigation of exhaust thermal management on NOx emissions of heavy-duty diesel engine under the world Harmonized transient cycle (WHTC). Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018. SCI/EI.

[14] Influence of the idle-up strategy on the thermal management of diesel particulate filter regeneration during a drop to the idle process. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018. SCI/EI.

[15] Experimental investigation of urea injection delay strategies on emission characteristics of heavy duty diesel engine under transient test cycle. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018.SCI.

[16] Influence of active control strategies on exhaust thermal management for diesel particular filter active regeneration. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017. SCI/EI.

[17] Experimental Study on Emission Characteristics of Non-electronic Control Diesel Engine with DOCPOCSCR Combined System. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2017. SCI.

[18] Loading estimation model and passive regeneration characteristics of DPF system for heavy-duty engine. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2016. SCI/EI.


Email: baishuzhan@sdu.edu.cn;电话:0531-88392061。



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